Finally, the review and fabrication process can begin. Formula Design has already developed a full set of construction documents and upon final review and approval, will work closely with the fabricators to work through any remaining issues hindering installation. Once installed, Formula will do a thorough walk-through to document punch list items to be adjusted or repaired.
In the event a project bid is necessary, Formula will develop a preliminary bid document set and refine it until it is approved. Formula Design also attends the final bid to see the process through to completion.
During the development phase, we will hone the chosen schematic design and take it from the general to the specific. Our designers will expand the conceptual design into all aspects of the project and assign materials and specs to refine to the budget scope for approval. By the end of this phase, a final design will be chosen and production …
During the conceptual stage of the design process, Formula designers will work on preliminary concept development and establish a schematic design direction with which to move forward. We will also establish an initial budget estimate to guide the design process throughout the project.
Formula Design will work closely with you to establish project goals, define possible challenges, and survey any existing conditions to be considered during the project scope.